
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_,
and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_.


* Show 'Lesson documentations' tab on person overview only if the person is a teacher.
* Use semantically correct html elements for headings and alerts.


* Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not
  user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy).

`2.0b0`_ - 2021-05-21

* Show a status icon for every lesson (running, data complete, data missing, etc.).
* Add buttons to go the the next/previous lesson (on the day/for the group).
* Add support for custom excuse types.
* Add group notes field.
* Add option to configure extra marks for personal notes.
* Add week select in week view.
* Carry over data between adjacent lessons if not already filled out.
* Student view with all personal notes and some statistics.
    * Mark personal notes as excused.
    * Reset personal notes.
    * Multiple selection/filter/sorting.
* Add overview of all groups a person is an owner of ("My groups").
* Implement intelligent permission rules.
* Add overview of all students with some statistics ("My students").
* Use django-reversion to keep an auditlog.
* Add page with affected lessons to register absence form.
* Check plausibility of class register data.
* Manage group roles (like class services).

* Redesign and optimise MaterializeCSS frontend.
    * Organise information in multiple tabs.
    * Show lesson topic, homework and group note in week view.
    * Improve mobile design.
* Improve error messages if there are no matching lesson periods.
* Filter personal notes in full register printout by school term.
* Allow teachers to open lessons on the same day before they actually start.
* Count and sum up tardiness.
* Do not allow entries in holidays (configurable).
* Support events and extra lessons as class register objects.

* Show only group members in the week view.
* Make register absence form complete.
* Repair and finish support for substitutions.

`2.0a1`_ - 2020-02-01


* Migrate to MaterializeCSS.
* Use one card per day in week view.

* Remove SchoolRelated and all related uses.

`1.0a3`_ - 2019-11-24


* Allow to register absences and excuses centrally.
* Statistical evaluation of text snippets in personal notes.
* Add overview per person to register printout.


* Show lesson documentations in printout again.
* Allow pages overflowing in printout
* Show all relevant personal notes in week view.

`1.0a2`_ - 2019-11-11


* Display sum of absences and tardiness in printout.
* Auto-calculate absences for all following lessons when saving a lesson.


* Allow superusers to create lesson documentations in the future.


* Fixed minor style issues in register printout.

`1.0a1`_ - 2019-09-17


* Display audit trail in lesson view.
* Add printout of register for archival purposes.


* Fix off-by-one error in some date headers.
* Deduplicate lessons of child groups in group week view.
* Keep selected group in group week view when browsing weeks.
* Correctly display substitutions in group week view.
* Support underfull school weeks (at start and end of timetable effectiveness).
* Use bootstrap buttons everywhere.

.. _Keep a Changelog:
.. _Semantic Versioning:

.. _1.0a1:
.. _1.0a2:
.. _1.0a3:
.. _2.0a1:
.. _2.0b0: