from datetime import date from django.db.models import Exists, F, OuterRef from biscuit.apps.chronos.models import LessonPeriod from biscuit.apps.chronos.util import CalendarWeek from biscuit.core.models import Group, Person from .models import PersonalNote @Person.method def mark_absent( self, day: date, from_period: int = 0, absent: bool = True, excused: bool = False, remarks: str = "", ): """ Mark a person absent for all lessons in a day, optionally starting with a selected period number. This function creates `PersonalNote` objects for every `LessonPeriod` the person participates in on the selected day and marks them as absent/excused. ..note:: Only available when BiscuIT-App-Alsijil is installed. :Date: 2019-11-10 :Authors: - Dominik George <> """ wanted_week = CalendarWeek.from_date(day) # Get all lessons of this person on the specified day lesson_periods = self.lesson_periods_as_participant.on_day(day).filter( period__period__gte=from_period ) # Create and update all personal notes for the discovered lesson periods for lesson_period in lesson_periods: personal_note, created = PersonalNote.objects.update_or_create( person=self, lesson_period=lesson_period, week=wanted_week.week, defaults={"absent": absent, "excused": excused}, ) if remarks: if personal_note.remarks: personal_note.remarks += "; %s" % remarks else: personal_note.remarks = remarks @LessonPeriod.method def get_personal_notes(self, wanted_week: CalendarWeek): """ Get all personal notes for that lesson in a specified week. Returns all linked `PersonalNote` objects, filtered by the given weeek, creating those objects that haven't been created yet. ..note:: Only available when BiscuIT-App-Alsijil is installed. :Date: 2019-11-09 :Authors: - Dominik George <> """ # Find all persons in the associated groups that do not yet have a personal note for this lesson missing_persons = Person.objects.annotate( no_personal_notes=~Exists( PersonalNote.objects.filter( week=wanted_week.week, lesson_period=self, person__pk=OuterRef("pk") ) ) ).filter( member_of__in=Group.objects.filter(pk__in=self.lesson.groups.all()), is_active=True, no_personal_notes=True, ) # Create all missing personal notes PersonalNote.objects.bulk_create( [ PersonalNote(person=person, lesson_period=self, week=wanted_week.week) for person in missing_persons ] ) return PersonalNote.objects.select_related("person").filter( lesson_period=self, week=wanted_week.week )