% Teckids e.V. — Allgemeine Vorlage, Version 2
% Copyright © 2013, 2015
%	Dominik George <dominik.george@teckids.org>
% Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2024
%	Thorsten “mirabilos” Glaser <thorsten.glaser@teckids.org>
% Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
%	Thorsten Glaser <t.glaser@tarent.de>
% Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices
% are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission
% is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un‐
% limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify,
% merge, give away, or sublicence.
% This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to
% the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor
% implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event
% may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect,
% direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out
% of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such
% damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out
% of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended.

% Characters requiring escaping:
% • { } # & _ % $ ⇒ quote by prepending a backslash \
% • \ → \textbackslash
% • ^ → \textasciicircum
% • ~ → \textasciitilde
% • (nbsp) → ~
% • (em dash) → \dash

\ProvidesPackage{teckids2style}[2024/06/11 1.19 Teckids TeX/LaTeX style, second epoch]% for Tₑχ/LᴬTᴇΧ

\setlength{\intextsep}{0pt}% see also \teckidsgeometry below
\ifcsname RedeclareSectionCommand\endcsname% (nicht in Briefen)

% Debian stretch compatibility glue

% tabu vs. longtable compatibility glue
  longtable newer than v4.13, applying\MessageBreak LT gbox hack%
 % https://github.com/tabu-issues-for-future-maintainer/tabu/issues/26
    \LT@echunk  \global\setbox\LT@gbox \hbox{\unhbox\LT@gbox}\kern\wd\LT@gbox
  longtable older than v4.15, applying\MessageBreak underfull vbox hack%
 % bugfix for "Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected" of longtable / longtabu, see:
 % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/71121
	\advance\dimen@ \ht\ifvoid\LT@firsthead\LT@head\else\LT@firsthead\fi
	\advance\dimen@ \dp\ifvoid\LT@firsthead\LT@head\else\LT@firsthead\fi
	\advance\dimen@ \ht\LT@foot
	\edef\restore@vbadness{\vbadness\the\vbadness\relax}% (added)
	\vbadness=\@M% (added)
	\setbox\tw@\vsplit\tw@ to \ht\@arstrutbox
	\restore@vbadness% (added)
	\advance\dimen@ \ht
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\tabucolumn Y%
\tabucolumn Z%

	colorlinks = true,
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	pdfauthor = {Teckids e.V.}

% Set default page style
% Bitte gerne neudefinieren, zum Beispiel…
 Freies Material unter einer Freien Lizenz\linebreak%
 Für Details kontaktieren Sie bitte den Teckids~e.V.%
% … hiermit:
  % see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/
  Veröffentlicht unter der \textit{Creative Commons Namensnennung \dash\linebreak%
  Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland} Lizenz.%
  % see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
  Veröffentlicht unter der \textit{Creative Commons Namensnennung \dash\linebreak%
  Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International} Lizenz.%
  Duallizensiert unter GNU~LGPL~2.0 (oder neuer) und CC-BY-SA~4.0.%
   \makebox(0,0){\hspace{1em}\LARGE ✓}\hspace{2em}\makebox[0pt]{%
   }\raisebox{-0.2\height}{\tiny\hspace{-2em}OK to}%
  Veröffentlicht unter der MirOS-Lizenz.%
  Duallizensiert unter der MirOS-Lizenz und CC-BY~4.0.%
  % see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  Veröffentlicht unter der \textit{Creative Commons \dash
  Namensnennung 4.0} Lizenz.\hspace{1cm}% (hspace is a hack)
% Syntax: \teckidshdr[2017 Name,]{Dokumenttitel}
 \fancyhead[L]{\leavevmode\usekomafont{pageheadfoot}\itshape\Large #2}%

% Stuff to do at geometry changes
 % restore lengths damaged during geometry change
 % tell fancyhdr to redo its geometry calculations
% run it initially

% Hurenkinder und Schusterjungen
% Zu lange Zeilen
\emergencystretch 5em%

% Allgemeine Einstellungen



\setlength{\parskip}{0.3cm plus 5mm minus 1mm}%

% Extra-Befehle

\newcommand{\ankreuzen}{Bitte zum Beispiel so → \CheckedBox\hspace{0.05cm} ← ankreuzen!}%

% Inhaltsverzeichnis (nicht in Briefen)
\ifcsname RedeclareSectionCommand\endcsname%
\RedeclareSectionCommand[tocbeforeskip=10pt plus 4pt minus 2pt]{section}
% when calling, ensure blank line before and after!
 \hypersetup{linkcolor = black}%
 % deliberately no % at end of line!
 \hypersetup{linkcolor = teckidsSTYroyalblue}%
 % deliberately no % at end of line!

% Listings

	 \csname\@lst @SetFirstNumber\endcsname%
	 \renewcommand{\lstdumpname}{ (#2)}%
	   \immediate\write\lst@WF{Listing dump for \jobname.tex}%
	  \immediate\write\lst@WF{>>> (\@currentlabel) \@currentlabelname}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----BEGIN LISTING \thelstdumps\lstdumpname-----}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----END LISTING \thelstdumps\lstdumpname-----}%
	 \csname\@lst @SaveFirstNumber\endcsname%
	 \csname\@lst @SetFirstNumber\endcsname%
	   \immediate\write\lst@WF{Listing dump for \jobname.tex}%
	  \immediate\write\lst@WF{>>> (\@currentlabel) \@currentlabelname}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----BEGIN LISTING \lstdumpname-----}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----END LISTING \lstdumpname-----}%
	 \csname\@lst @SaveFirstNumber\endcsname%
	 \csname\@lst @SetFirstNumber\endcsname%
	 \renewcommand{\lstdumpname}{ [unnamed]}%
	   \immediate\write\lst@WF{Listing dump for \jobname.tex}%
	  \immediate\write\lst@WF{>>> (\@currentlabel) \@currentlabelname}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----BEGIN LISTING \thelstdumps\lstdumpname-----}%
	 \immediate\write\lst@WF{-----END LISTING \thelstdumps\lstdumpname-----}%
	 \csname\@lst @SaveFirstNumber\endcsname%
% usage: \lstdumpesc[file]{pdf} or \lstdumpesc{bothfileandpdf}

		{á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1
		{Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1
		{à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1
		{À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
		{ä}{{\"a}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
		{Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1
		{â}{{\^a}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {î}{{\^i}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1
		{Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
		{æ}{{\ae}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1 {œ}{{\oe}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1
		{ő}{{\H{o}}}1 {Ő}{{\H{O}}}1 {ű}{{\H{u}}}1 {Ű}{{\H{U}}}1
		{å}{{\r a}}1 {Å}{{\r A}}1 {ç}{{\c c}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1
		{©}{{\textcopyright}}1 {™}{\texttrademark}1 {§}{\S}1
		{£}{{\pounds}}1 {°}{\textdegree{}}1 {„}{{\quotedblbase}}1
		{“}{{\textquotedblleft}}1 {”}{{\textquotedblright}}1
		{‘}{{\textquoteleft}}1 {’}{{\textquoteright}}1
		{«}{\guillemotleft}1 {»}{\guillemotright}1
		{­}{-}1 {‐}{-}1 {‑}{-}1 {‒}{-}1 {–}{-}1 {—}{-}1 {―}{-}1
		{ }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1	{ }{ }1
		{ }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1 { }{ }1	{ }{ }1
	% für 〔Paßwörter〕 und 「variable Texte」 in Listings
	% (wird bei Benutzung der language-Option in einem Listing entfernt)
	% Zeilennummern

% Use pxfonts by default
% sans-serif fonts should not use italic as emphasis
% Use Comic Sans MS as “roman” font, because we have to use the
% sans-serif font always, and like this, we spot errors easily
% default font is sans-serif, i.e. pxfonts

% em dash
% for footnotes

% for lead paragraph before IT-Mieze

% fbox and ovalbox line will be inside the box
% to calculate horizontal padding inside the frame
% to store dimensions of box without padding
% for nice inline pictures in boxen with rounded corners
 % first, generate a box with square content and w/o padding
 % get its real height (Teχ height + depth)
 \advance\inlinebildsep by \dp\inlinebildbox%
 % subtract its real width
 \advance\inlinebildsep by -\wd\inlinebildbox%
 % we want half of it on either side
 \divide\inlinebildsep by 2%
 % now render the actual box
  % left padding
  % ensure standard height
  % the graphic
  % the text, if any
  \ifx#1\@empty\else{ #1}\fi%
  % right padding

% for nice inline boxen with square corners
 % first, generate a box with square content and w/o padding
 % get its real height (Teχ height + depth)
 \advance\inlinebildsep by \dp\inlinebildbox%
 % subtract its real width
 \advance\inlinebildsep by -\wd\inlinebildbox%
 % we want half of it on either side
 \divide\inlinebildsep by 2%
 % now render the actual box
  % left padding
  % ensure standard height
  % the text
  % right padding

% \hyperfootnotetext is what \footnotetext is supposed to be:
% like \footnote except not rendering anything (it will not
% generate a paragraph if you append % to all lines)
 % new local scope
  % temporarily redefine this macro to empty
  % temporarily prevent leaving vmode
  % this also means we cannot create a(n empty) hyperlink
  % call the original \footnote macro
  % exit the local scope with the redefined macro
 % end of command

% Berichtskopf mit Titel und Logo, Normalfall
% Berichtskopf mit Titel und Logo, Sonderfall (mehrzeiliger Text)

% use \begin{autosizedbibliography}
% to auto-detect the widest reference label
% now \bibitem{foo} = \bibitem[foo]{foo}

% uncomment to figure out overfull hbox