    <title>Online-Arcade-Project April 2020</title>
    <meta name='date' content='2020-04-16' />
    <meta name='authors' content='Johanna Schink' />
    <meta name='summary' content='During the schoolfree time, the game programming team offered an online workshop where the young people learned how to program their own game with Python with the help of our tutors.' />
    <meta name='lang' content='en' />
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   In the first two weeks of April 2020, our "Game programming" team has offered an online workshop during of the school closures. It was aimed at teenagers with the objective of learning to develop a game of their own using Python with the help of our tutors.
   Before the official start of the project, all participants should download the required programs; for those who needed additional help, the workshop started half an hour beforehand. In this half hour all problems could be solved.
   First, the participants were introduced to the basics of Python by means of a quick explanation and some examples. Later, the participants could try this out themselves and ask questions. Afterwards, the participants were introduced to Arcade. Since we did not finish that day, we moved further explanations to the next day.
   On Saturday, the participants formed the groups in which they wanted to work together during the following week. Finally, the two small groups worked independently until Thursday, with each group being accompanied by one of our tutors. During regular exchange meetings, more complex questions were clarified, problems were solved and the status of the projects was exchanged. When the project ended on Thursday, April 9th, 2020 everyone met and the groups presented their projects. One group programmed a car game and the other a platform game.
   <img alt="20200414_174123.jpg" class="filer_image" src="/images/posts/online-arcade-project-2020/pic_0.jpg" title="© Johanna Schink"/>
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     © Johanna Schink