This is an archived project. Repository and other project resources are read-only.
Project 'Teckids/team-sysadmin/teckids-pelican' was moved to 'Teckids/team-pr/pelican-theme-teckids'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
<liclass="nav-item{% if output_file == url %}active{% endif %}">
<aclass="nav-link"href="{{ genurl( url ) }}">{{ title }}</a>
<liclass="nav-item{% if output_file == url %}active{% endif %}">
<aclass="nav-link"href="/{{ genurl( url ) }}">{{ title }}</a>
{% elif url is iterable %}
<liclass="nav-item dropdown
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<aclass="nav-link dropdown-toggle"href="#"id="navbarDropdown"role="button"data-toggle="dropdown"aria-haspopup="true"aria-expanded="false">{{- title }}</a>