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+# NSS/PAM modules for OpenID Connect/OAuth2
+`nss-pam-oidc` is a multi-purpose shared library that links Linux
+system authentication (PAM) and name resolution for users and groups
+(NSS) to an OAuth2 API.
+It is "multi-purpose" because it builds a single shared object file
+exposing both the APIs of PAM and NSS. It can be used:
+ * in `/lib/security/pam_oidc.so` as PAM module
+ * in `/lib/libnss_oidc.so` as NSS database module
+ * in `/sbin/nss_pam_oidc_cached` as caching daemon to speed up requests
+## System authentication (PAM module)
+The following OAuth flows are implemented for system authentication:
+ * Resource Owner Password Grant Flow
+The following OAuth flows are on the roadmap for system authentication:
+ * Authorization Code Grant Flow
+ * Device Code Grant Flow
+### Resource Owner Password Grant Flow
+Using this flow, the user is queried for their password as usual. The
+password is then used to acquire an access token.
+If acquiring the token succeeds, the authentication is considered
+### Athorization Code Grant Flow
+Using this flow, the user is displayed a web page and logs in to it.
+After login, the website returns an authorization token that is used
+to a cquire an access token.
+This flow is only supported on graphical logins with display managers
+that support it.
+### Device Code Grant Flow
+Using this flow, the user is displayed a short alpha-numeric code.
+They are required to open the backing website on another device and
+enter the code there.
+While they do, the server is periodically polled, and an access token
+is acquired once the user has granted access on the other device.
+## Name resolution (NSS database)
+An API endpoint on the OAuth-autenticated server can be used to retrieve
+information on users and groups. There are two modes the NSS database
+can operate in:
+### System-wide mode
+The system-wide mode uses client credentials to access the API and to
+retrieve the full lists of available users and groups. This resembles
+the standard UNIX mechanism where the full user and group lists are
+available to every user on the system.
+It is insecure for several reasons:
+ * The client secret used to retrieve lists is leaked to every user
+   as well, as any program calling NSS library functions has to be
+   able to read the configured secret
+ * All user information is visible to every user, which nowadays must
+   be considered a privacy issue
+Querying the API can also be slow depending on the amount of data.
+The first problem can be mitigated by using the caching daemon, and
+only allowing regular users to read data from the cache isntead of use
+the API live. This also mitigates the performance issue.
+The second problem can be mitigated by using the user-only mode,
+comproising compatibility with applications that rely on NSS tables
+being complete.
+### User-only mode
+In user-only mode, an access token bound to a single user is used
+to query the backend for NSS data. This can be the token acquired
+during PAM login.
+As NSS lookups are always done i nthe context of the program that
+does the lookup, and thus in the context of the user owning the
+process, this means that every program doing NSS lookups has a
+partial view on the NSS databases, corresponding to the resources
+the owner is allowed to see on the server.
+This mode is privacy-friendly, but breaks name resolution for
+all users and groups that are invisible to the calling user.
+It can only be used if the OAuth server used supports refresh tokens
+(while technically, it can be used without refresh tokens, doing
+so will break name resolution once the access token expires until
+the user logs in anew).
+## Caching daemon (`nss_pam_oidc_cached`)
+The caching daemon is a system service that periodically keeps data
+from the API up to date. It handles the following data:
+ * User access tokens (using corresponding refresh tokens, if available)
+ * NSS data
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