from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from dynamic_preferences.preferences import Section
from dynamic_preferences.types import (
from aleksis.core.models import GroupType
from aleksis.core.registries import person_preferences_registry, site_preferences_registry
alsijil = Section("alsijil", verbose_name=_("Class register"))
class BlockPersonalNotesForCancelled(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "block_personal_notes_for_cancelled"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Block adding personal notes for cancelled lessons")
class ViewOwnPersonalNotes(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "view_own_personal_notes"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Allow users to view their own personal notes")

Jonathan Weth
class RegisterAbsenceAsPrimaryGroupOwner(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "register_absence_as_primary_group_owner"
default = True
verbose_name = _(
"Allow primary group owners to register future absences for students in their groups"

Hangzhi Yu
class InheritPrivilegesFromParentGroup(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "inherit_privileges_from_parent_group"
default = True
verbose_name = _(
"Grant the owner of a parent group the same privileges "
"as the owners of the respective child groups"

Jonathan Weth
class EditLessonDocumentationAsOriginalTeacher(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "edit_lesson_documentation_as_original_teacher"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Allow original teachers to edit their lessons although they are substituted")

Jonathan Weth

Jonathan Weth
section = alsijil
name = "carry_over_next_periods"

Jonathan Weth
default = True
verbose_name = _(
"Carry over data from first lesson period to the "
"following lesson periods in lessons over multiple periods"

Jonathan Weth
help_text = _("This will carry over data only if the data in the following periods are empty.")

Jonathan Weth
class AllowCarryOverLessonDocumentationToCurrentWeek(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "allow_carry_over_same_week"
default = False
verbose_name = _(
"Allow carrying over data from any lesson period to all other lesson \
periods with the same lesson and in the same week"
help_text = _(
"This will carry over data only if the data in the aforementioned periods are empty."
class CarryOverPersonalNotesToNextPeriods(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "carry_over_personal_notes"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Carry over personal notes to all following lesson periods on the same day.")

Jonathan Weth
class AllowOpenPeriodsOnSameDay(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "open_periods_same_day"
default = False
verbose_name = _(
"Allow teachers to open lesson periods on the "
"same day and not just at the beginning of the period"

Jonathan Weth
help_text = _(
"Lessons in the past are not affected by this setting, you can open them whenever you want."
class AllowEntriesInHolidays(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "allow_entries_in_holidays"
default = False
verbose_name = _("Allow teachers to add data for lessons in holidays")
class GroupOwnersCanAssignRolesToParents(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "group_owners_can_assign_roles_to_parents"
default = False
verbose_name = _(
"Allow group owners to assign group roles to the parents of the group's members"
class ShowGroupRolesInWeekView(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "group_roles_in_week_view"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Show assigned group roles in week view")
help_text = _("Only week view of groups")
class ShowGroupRolesInLessonView(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "group_roles_in_lesson_view"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Show assigned group roles in lesson view")
class RegisterObjectsTableItemsPerPage(IntegerPreference):
"""Preference how many items are shown per page in ``RegisterObjectTable``."""
section = alsijil
name = "register_objects_table_items_per_page"
default = 100
verbose_name = _("Items per page in lessons table")
def validate(self, value):
if value < 1:
raise ValidationError(_("Each page must show at least one item."))
class DefaultLessonDocumentationFilter(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "default_lesson_documentation_filter"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Filter lessons by existence of their lesson documentation on default")
class AllowEditFutureDocumentations(ChoicePreference):
"""Time range for which documentations may be edited."""
section = alsijil
name = "allow_edit_future_documentations"
default = "current_day"
choices = (
("all", _("Allow editing of all future documentations")),
_("Allow editing of all documentations up to and including those on the current day"),
"Allow editing of all documentations up to and "
"including those on the current date and time"
verbose_name = _("Set time range for which documentations may be edited")
class GroupTypesRegisterAbsence(ModelMultipleChoicePreference):
section = alsijil
name = "group_types_register_absence"
required = False
default = []
model = GroupType
verbose_name = _(
"User is allowed to register absences for members "
"of groups the user is an owner of with these group types"
help_text = _(
"If you leave it empty, all member of groups the user is an owner of will be shown."