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Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_,
and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_.

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`4.0.0.dev3`_ - 2024-07-10
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed


* Support for entering personal notes for students in the new coursebook interface.
* Support for entering tardiness for students in the new coursebook interface.

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`4.0.0.dev2`_ - 2024-07-13

Fixed version of 4.0.0.dev1

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`4.0.0.dev1`_ - 2024-06-13


* Support for entering absences for students in the new coursebook interface.

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`4.0.0.dev0`_ - 2024-04-23
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed
Notable, breaking changes
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed

Starting from the class register core functionality, Alsijil is getting a entire rewrite
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed
of both its frontend and backend. The models formerly used for lesson documentation, notably
`LessonDocumentation` and `PersonalNote` are replaced by new ones based on the calendar framework
provided by `AlekSIS-Core` and the absense framework provided by `AlekSIS-App-Kolego`. The legacy
views providing management functionality for those legacy models are not available anymore. Currently,
there exists no migration path away from legacy data.

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed

* Modern rewrite of class register/coursebook, both in the frontend and the backend
  * Several legacy class register views were consolidated in a modern frontend (coursebook).
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed
  * [Dev] The `LessonDocumentation` model is replaced with the `Documentation` model, based on the calendar framework.
  * [Dev] The `PersonalNote` model is replaced with the `NewPersonalNote` model.
  * [Dev] Participation status documentation is taken over by the new `Participation` model.

Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed

Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed
* Migrating failed due to an incorrect field reference.

magicfelix's avatar
magicfelix committed
`3.0.1`_ - 2023-09-02


* Migrations failed on empty database

Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`3.0`_ - 2023-05-15

* In some cases, pages showing the count of extra marks and lessons with custom excuse types of
  persons threw an error.
* The redirection to generated class register PDF printouts did not work.
* Some columns in the table showing statistics for the members of a group were labled wrongly.
* Absences with custom excuse types were not counted correctly.
* Tabs on the week overview page were not displayed.
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
`3.0b0`_ - 2023-02-28

This version requires AlekSIS-Core 3.0. It is incompatible with any previous
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed


* Legacy menu integration for AlekSIS-Core pre-3.0
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed

* Add SPA support for AlekSIS-Core 3.0
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed

* [Dev] Rename the "late" field in the PersonalNote model to "tardiness".
Julian's avatar
Julian committed
* Use new icon set inside of models and templates
* Run full register printout generation in background 
* Extra marks and excused absences were counted multiple times in some class register views.
* Substitution teachers couldn't see any persons in the person list of a substituted lesson.
* Events were shown for days not being inside the timetable schema in full register printout.
Julian's avatar
Julian committed

`2.1.1`_ - 2022-09-01

* Register absence form wasn't accessible without direct access to class register.
* Printing the full group register failed when a person had no personal notes.
magicfelix's avatar
magicfelix committed
* Data checks reported all Lesson Documentations as being during Holidays if there was no Holiday object.
* Students were displayed multiple times in class register views.
* Absences were counted multiple times in some class register views.
* Group owners couldn't create new seating plans.
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed
`2.1`_ - 2022-06-25
Hangzhi Yu's avatar
Hangzhi Yu committed

* Owners of one of the parent groups of a object can now have the same rights on it
as a group owner (can be toggled with a preference).
magicfelix's avatar
magicfelix committed
* Integrate seating plans in lesson overview
* Add option to set LessonDocumentation data for all lessons in one week at once.
* Excuse types can now be marked as `Count as absent`, which they are per default. If not, they aren't counted in the overviews.
* Add Ukrainian locale (contributed by Sergiy Gorichenko from Fre(i)e Software GmbH).
magicfelix's avatar
magicfelix committed


* The week overview page was not refreshed when a new week was selected in the dropdown.
* Make generation of full register printout faster.
* Updating a lesson documentation caused an error when the preference for carrying over lesson documentations to the whole week was deactivated.
`2.0.1`_ - 2022-02-12
Julian's avatar
Julian committed

Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed
* Status icon in single-lesson view showed 'Missing data' although the data were complete.
Julian's avatar
Julian committed
* The personal note tab of a lesson was not well usable on mobile devices.

`2.0`_ - 2022-02-06

* Use start date of current SchoolTerm as default value for PersonalNote filter in overview.
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
Julia ist eine höhere Programmiersprache, die vor allem für numerisches und wissenschaftliches Rechnen entwickelt wurde und auch als Allzweck-Programmiersprache verwendet werden kann, bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung einer hohen Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit. Wikipedia

* Events without groups caused an error when not accessed through the week view.

`2.0rc7`_ - 2021-12-25
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed

* Optimize view for one register object ("lesson view") for mobile and tablet devices.
Julian's avatar
Julian committed
* Optimize view for lessons of a week ("week view") for mobile and tablet devices.
* German translations were updated.
* Link to personal notes in the personal overview.
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed


* Translate table columns and filter button on person overview page.
* Show correct status icon for events.
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
* Subjects in full register printout were struck through although they
hadn't changed.
* Table with all register objects didn't work with extra lessons.
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
* Add missing definitions of some permissions so they can be assigned.
`2.0rc6`_ - 2021-08-25
* Fix problems with displaying dates for events in the week and lesson view.
* Unique constraint on lesson documentations and personal notes did not work and caused racey duplicates.
`2.0rc5`_ - 2021-08-12


* The _Delete personal note_ action didn't work due to wrong usage of ``bulk_update``.
* Groups and persons were shown multiple times in some forms due to filtering by permissions.
`2.0rc4`_ - 2021-08-01


* The lesson documentations tab was displayed on overviews for persons who are not teachers.
* Teachers weren't able to edit personal notes of their students in the person overview.
* The actions to mark absences as excused in the personal notes table also marked personal notes as excused which are not absences.
* The delete action in the personal notes table really deleted the items instead of just resetting them to default values.
`2.0rc3`_ - 2021-07-20


* Lesson view didn't work due to additional whitespaces in ``url`` tags.

`2.0rc2`_ - 2021-06-26
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed


* "My overview" and "All lessons" didn't work if there was no current school term.

`2.0rc1`_ - 2021-06-23
* Show 'Lesson documentations' tab on person overview only if the person is a teacher.
Julian's avatar
Julian committed
* Use semantically correct html elements for headings and alerts.

* Preference section verbose names were displayed in server language and not
  user language (fixed by using gettext_lazy).

`2.0b0`_ - 2021-05-21

* Show a status icon for every lesson (running, data complete, data missing, etc.).
* Add buttons to go the the next/previous lesson (on the day/for the group).
* Add support for custom excuse types.
* Add group notes field.
* Add option to configure extra marks for personal notes.
* Add week select in week view.
* Carry over data between adjacent lessons if not already filled out.
* Student view with all personal notes and some statistics.
    * Mark personal notes as excused.
    * Reset personal notes.
    * Multiple selection/filter/sorting.
* Add overview of all groups a person is an owner of ("My groups").
* Implement intelligent permission rules.
* Add overview of all students with some statistics ("My students").
* Use django-reversion to keep an auditlog.
* Add page with affected lessons to register absence form.
* Check plausibility of class register data.
* Manage group roles (like class services).

* Redesign and optimise MaterializeCSS frontend.
    * Organise information in multiple tabs.
    * Show lesson topic, homework and group note in week view.
    * Improve mobile design.
* Improve error messages if there are no matching lesson periods.
* Filter personal notes in full register printout by school term.
* Allow teachers to open lessons on the same day before they actually start.
* Count and sum up tardiness.
* Do not allow entries in holidays (configurable).
* Support events and extra lessons as class register objects.

* Show only group members in the week view.
* Make register absence form complete.
* Repair and finish support for substitutions.

`2.0a1`_ - 2020-02-01


* Migrate to MaterializeCSS.
* Use one card per day in week view.

* Remove SchoolRelated and all related uses.

`1.0a3`_ - 2019-11-24


* Allow to register absences and excuses centrally.
* Statistical evaluation of text snippets in personal notes.
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed
* Add overview per person to register printout.
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed

* Show lesson documentations in printout again.
* Allow pages overflowing in printout
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed
* Show all relevant personal notes in week view.
`1.0a2`_ - 2019-11-11
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed

Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

* Display sum of absences and tardiness in printout.
* Auto-calculate absences for all following lessons when saving a lesson.
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

* Allow superusers to create lesson documentations in the future.
Tom Teichler's avatar
Tom Teichler committed

* Fixed minor style issues in register printout.
`1.0a1`_ - 2019-09-17
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed

* Display audit trail in lesson view.
* Add printout of register for archival purposes.
* Fix off-by-one error in some date headers.
* Deduplicate lessons of child groups in group week view.
* Keep selected group in group week view when browsing weeks.
* Correctly display substitutions in group week view.
* Support underfull school weeks (at start and end of timetable effectiveness).
* Use bootstrap buttons everywhere.
.. _Keep a Changelog:
.. _Semantic Versioning:
.. _1.0a1:
.. _1.0a2:
.. _1.0a3:
.. _2.0a1:
.. _2.0b0:
.. _2.0rc1:
.. _2.0rc2:
.. _2.0rc3:
.. _2.0rc4:
.. _2.0rc5:
.. _2.0rc6:
.. _2.0rc7:
.. _2.0:
.. _2.0.1:
Nik | Klampfradler's avatar
Nik | Klampfradler committed
.. _2.1:
.. _2.1.1:
.. _3.0b0:
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
.. _3.0:
magicfelix's avatar
magicfelix committed
.. _3.0.1:
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
.. _4.0.0.dev0:
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
.. _4.0.0.dev1:
.. _4.0.0.dev2:
Jonathan Weth's avatar
Jonathan Weth committed
.. _4.0.0.dev3: