Hangzhi Yu authoredHangzhi Yu authored
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Migrating failed due to an incorrect field reference.
3.0 - 2023-05-15
- In some cases, pages showing the count of extra marks and lessons with custom excuse types of persons threw an error.
- The redirection to generated class register PDF printouts did not work.
- Some columns in the table showing statistics for the members of a group were labled wrongly.
- Absences with custom excuse types were not counted correctly.
- Tabs on the week overview page were not displayed.
3.0b0 - 2023-02-28
This version requires AlekSIS-Core 3.0. It is incompatible with any previous version.
- Legacy menu integration for AlekSIS-Core pre-3.0
- Add SPA support for AlekSIS-Core 3.0
- [Dev] Rename the "late" field in the PersonalNote model to "tardiness".
- Use new icon set inside of models and templates
- Run full register printout generation in background
- Extra marks and excused absences were counted multiple times in some class register views.
- Substitution teachers couldn't see any persons in the person list of a substituted lesson.
- Events were shown for days not being inside the timetable schema in full register printout.
2.1.1 - 2022-09-01
- Register absence form wasn't accessible without direct access to class register.
- Printing the full group register failed when a person had no personal notes.
- Data checks reported all Lesson Documentations as being during Holidays if there was no Holiday object.
- Students were displayed multiple times in class register views.
- Absences were counted multiple times in some class register views.
- Group owners couldn't create new seating plans.
2.1 - 2022-06-25
- Owners of one of the parent groups of a object can now have the same rights on it
as a group owner (can be toggled with a preference). * Integrate seating plans in lesson overview * Add option to set LessonDocumentation data for all lessons in one week at once. * Excuse types can now be marked as Count as absent, which they are per default. If not, they aren't counted in the overviews. * Add Ukrainian locale (contributed by Sergiy Gorichenko from Fre(i)e Software GmbH).
- The week overview page was not refreshed when a new week was selected in the dropdown.
- Make generation of full register printout faster.
- Updating a lesson documentation caused an error when the preference for carrying over lesson documentations to the whole week was deactivated.
2.0.1 - 2022-02-12
- Status icon in single-lesson view showed 'Missing data' although the data were complete.
- The personal note tab of a lesson was not well usable on mobile devices.
2.0 - 2022-02-06
- Use start date of current SchoolTerm as default value for PersonalNote filter in overview.
- Events without groups caused an error when not accessed through the week view.
2.0rc7 - 2021-12-25
- Optimize view for one register object ("lesson view") for mobile and tablet devices.
- Optimize view for lessons of a week ("week view") for mobile and tablet devices.
- German translations were updated.
- Link to personal notes in the personal overview.
- Translate table columns and filter button on person overview page.
- Show correct status icon for events.
- Subjects in full register printout were struck through although they
hadn't changed. * Table with all register objects didn't work with extra lessons. * Add missing definitions of some permissions so they can be assigned.
2.0rc6 - 2021-08-25
- Fix problems with displaying dates for events in the week and lesson view.
- Unique constraint on lesson documentations and personal notes did not work and caused racey duplicates.
2.0rc5 - 2021-08-12
- The _Delete personal note_ action didn't work due to wrong usage of
. - Groups and persons were shown multiple times in some forms due to filtering by permissions.
2.0rc4 - 2021-08-01
- The lesson documentations tab was displayed on overviews for persons who are not teachers.
- Teachers weren't able to edit personal notes of their students in the person overview.
- The actions to mark absences as excused in the personal notes table also marked personal notes as excused which are not absences.
- The delete action in the personal notes table really deleted the items instead of just resetting them to default values.
2.0rc3 - 2021-07-20
- Lesson view didn't work due to additional whitespaces in
2.0rc2 - 2021-06-26
- "My overview" and "All lessons" didn't work if there was no current school term.