Jonathan Weth authoredJonathan Weth authored
preferences.py 1.90 KiB
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from dynamic_preferences.preferences import Section
from dynamic_preferences.types import BooleanPreference
from aleksis.core.registries import site_preferences_registry
alsijil = Section("alsijil", verbose_name=_("Class register"))
class BlockPersonalNotesForCancelled(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "block_personal_notes_for_cancelled"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Block adding personal notes for cancelled lessons")
class ViewOwnPersonalNotes(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "view_own_personal_notes"
default = True
verbose_name = _("Allow users to view their own personal notes")
class RegisterAbsenceAsPrimaryGroupOwner(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "register_absence_as_primary_group_owner"
default = True
verbose_name = _(
"Allow primary group owners to register future absences for students in their groups"
class CarryOverDataToNextPeriods(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "carry_over"
default = True
verbose_name = _(
"Carry over data from first lesson period to the "
"following lesson periods in lessons over multiple periods"
help_text = _("This will carry over data only if the data in the following periods are empty.")
class AllowOpenPeriodsOnSameDay(BooleanPreference):
section = alsijil
name = "open_periods_same_day"
default = False
verbose_name = _(
"Allow teachers to open lesson periods on the "
"same day and not just at the beginning of the period"
help_text = _(
"Lessons in the past are not affected by this setting, you can open them whenever you want."