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Snippets Groups Projects
Verified Commit c6f1e8e9 authored by Tom Teichler's avatar Tom Teichler :beers:
Browse files

Avoid page overflow.

parent 79f733bd
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1 merge request!29Resolve "[Printout] Pages can overflow"
......@@ -121,3 +121,12 @@ table.person-info td.person-img {
table.person-info td.person-img img {
max-height: 30mm;
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height: auto !important;
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page-break-inside: avoid;
......@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ body { margin: 0 }
page-break-after: always;
/** Paper sizes **/
body.A3 .sheet { width: 297mm; height: 419mm }
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body.A4.landscape .sheet { width: 297mm; height: 209mm }
body.A5 .sheet { width: 148mm; height: 209mm }
body.A5.landscape .sheet { width: 210mm; height: 147mm }
body.letter .sheet { width: 216mm; height: 279mm }
body.letter.landscape .sheet { width: 280mm; height: 215mm } .sheet { width: 216mm; height: 356mm } .sheet { width: 357mm; height: 215mm }
body.A3 .sheet { width: 297mm; min-height: 419mm }
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body.A4.landscape .sheet { width: 297mm; min-height: 209mm }
body.A5 .sheet { width: 148mm; min-height: 209mm }
body.A5.landscape .sheet { width: 210mm; min-height: 147mm }
body.letter .sheet { width: 216mm; min-height: 279mm }
body.letter.landscape .sheet { width: 280mm; min-height: 215mm } .sheet { width: 216mm; min-height: 356mm } .sheet { width: 357mm; min-height: 215mm }
/** Padding area **/
.sheet.padding-10mm { padding: 10mm }
.sheet.padding-15mm { padding: 15mm }
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