[SQL] Monster query on personal notes
The following query takes 17 seconds to complete (on avergae, in production):
SELECT "alsijil_personalnote"."id",
FROM "alsijil_personalnote"
INNER JOIN "core_person" ON ("alsijil_personalnote"."person_id" = "core_person"."id")
INNER JOIN "chronos_lessonperiod" ON ("alsijil_personalnote"."lesson_period_id" = "chronos_lessonperiod"."id")
INNER JOIN "chronos_lesson" ON ("chronos_lessonperiod"."lesson_id" = "chronos_lesson"."id")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "chronos_validityrange" ON ("chronos_lesson"."validity_id" = "chronos_validityrange"."id")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "core_schoolterm" ON ("chronos_validityrange"."school_term_id" = "core_schoolterm"."id")
INNER JOIN "chronos_subject" ON ("chronos_lesson"."subject_id" = "chronos_subject"."id")
INNER JOIN "chronos_timeperiod" ON ("chronos_lessonperiod"."period_id" = "chronos_timeperiod"."id")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "alsijil_excusetype" ON ("alsijil_personalnote"."excuse_type_id" = "alsijil_excusetype"."id")
WHERE ("alsijil_personalnote"."site_id" = $1
AND "alsijil_personalnote"."person_id" IN ($2,
ORDER BY "alsijil_personalnote"."year" ASC,
"alsijil_personalnote"."week" ASC,
"chronos_timeperiod"."weekday" ASC,
"chronos_timeperiod"."period" ASC,
"core_person"."last_name" ASC,
"core_person"."first_name" ASC
It seems to not run very often, but should be optimised nonetheless.
Identify code that runs the query -
Analyse ORM code that generates it -
Find a way to optimise the behaviour -
Identify and document user impact
Edited by Nik | Klampfradler