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  • AlekSIS/onboarding/AlekSIS-App-Kort
1 result
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Commits on Source (20)
with 1539 additions and 323 deletions
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- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
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- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/general.yml
# - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
# file: /ci/test.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/lint.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/security.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/dist.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/general.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/prepare/lock.yml
# - project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
# file: /ci/test/test.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/lint.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/security.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/dist.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: "/ci/docker/image.yml"
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
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# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# Distribution / packaging
# Installer logs
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# pyenv
# Environments
# Editors
# IntelliJ
# Database
# Sphinx
# TeX
# Generated files
# VSCode
# Add HTML files to avoid problems with unsupported Django templates
# Do not check/reformat generated files
......@@ -6,18 +6,26 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_,
and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_.
`0.1.1`_ - 2023-03-20
* Menu item 'Documents' was always shown.
`0.1`_ - 2023-03-19
* Initial release.
* Initial release.
.. _Keep a Changelog:
.. _Semantic Versioning:
.. _1.0:
.. _0.1:
.. _0.1.1:
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Licence
Copyright © 2021, 2022 Jonathan Weth <>
Copyright © 2021 Margarete Grassl <>
Copyright © 2021 Jonathan Weth <>
Licenced under the EUPL, version 1.2 or later
......@@ -4,36 +4,71 @@ from django.utils import timezone
from celery.result import allow_join_result
from celery.states import SUCCESS
from oauth2_provider.contrib.rest_framework import TokenHasScope
from rest_framework import generics, permissions, serializers
from oauth2_provider.oauth2_backends import get_oauthlib_core
from oauthlib.common import Request as OauthlibRequest
from rest_framework import generics, serializers
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException, ValidationError
from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from aleksis.apps.kort.models import Card, CardPrinter, CardPrintJob
from aleksis.core.util.auth_helpers import AppScopes
class CorrectPrinterPermission(BasePermission):
class OAuth2ClientAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
"""OAuth 2 authentication backend using client credentials authentication."""
www_authenticate_realm = "api"
def authenticate(self, request):
"""Authenticate the request with client credentials."""
oauthlib_core = get_oauthlib_core()
uri, http_method, body, headers = oauthlib_core._extract_params(request)
oauth_request = OauthlibRequest(uri, http_method, body, headers)
# Verify general authentication of the client
if not oauthlib_core.server.request_validator.authenticate_client(oauth_request):
# Client credentials were invalid
return None
request.auth = oauth_request
return (oauth_request.client.client_id, oauth_request)
class ClientProtectedResourcePermission(BasePermission):
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
# Verify scopes of configured application
# The OAuth request was enriched with a reference to the Application when using the
# validator above.
if not request.auth.client.allowed_scopes:
# If there are no allowed scopes, the client is not allowed to access this resource
return None
required_scopes = set(self.get_scopes(request, view, obj) or [])
allowed_scopes = set(AppScopes().get_available_scopes(request.auth.client) or [])
return required_scopes.issubset(allowed_scopes)
def get_scopes(self, request, view, obj):
return view.get_scopes()
class CorrectPrinterPermission(ClientProtectedResourcePermission):
"""Check whether the OAuth2 application belongs to the printer."""
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj) -> bool:
token = request.auth
if token.application == obj.oauth2_application:
return True
return False
def get_scopes(self, request, view, obj):
return [obj.scope]
class CorrectJobPrinterPermission(BasePermission):
"""Check whether the OAuth2 application belongs to the job's printer."""
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj) -> bool:
token = request.auth
if token.application == obj.printer.oauth2_application:
return True
return False
def get_scopes(self, request, view, obj):
return [obj.printer.scope]
class CardPrinterSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
......@@ -91,21 +126,22 @@ class CardChipNumberSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class CardPrinterDetails(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
"""Show details about the card printer."""
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, TokenHasScope, CorrectPrinterPermission]
required_scopes = ["card_printer"]
authentication_classes = [OAuth2ClientAuthentication]
permission_classes = [CorrectPrinterPermission]
serializer_class = CardPrinterSerializer
queryset = CardPrinter.objects.all()
def get_object(self):
token = self.request.auth
return token.application.card_printers.all().first()
return token.client.card_printers.all().first()
class CardPrinterUpdateStatus(generics.UpdateAPIView):
"""Update the status of the card printer."""
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, TokenHasScope, CorrectPrinterPermission]
required_scopes = ["card_printer"]
authentication_classes = [OAuth2ClientAuthentication]
permission_classes = [CorrectPrinterPermission]
serializer_class = CardPrinterStatusSerializer
queryset = CardPrinter.objects.all()
......@@ -120,8 +156,9 @@ class CardPrinterUpdateStatus(generics.UpdateAPIView):
class GetNextPrintJob(APIView):
"""Get the next print job."""
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, TokenHasScope, CorrectPrinterPermission]
required_scopes = ["card_printer"]
authentication_classes = [OAuth2ClientAuthentication]
permission_classes = [CorrectPrinterPermission]
serializer_class = CardPrinterSerializer
queryset = CardPrinter.objects.all()
......@@ -140,8 +177,9 @@ class GetNextPrintJob(APIView):
class CardPrintJobUpdateStatusView(generics.UpdateAPIView):
"""Update the status of the card printer."""
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, TokenHasScope, CorrectJobPrinterPermission]
required_scopes = ["card_printer"]
authentication_classes = [OAuth2ClientAuthentication]
permission_classes = [CorrectJobPrinterPermission]
serializer_class = CardPrintJobStatusSerializer
queryset = CardPrintJob.objects.all()
......@@ -149,8 +187,9 @@ class CardPrintJobUpdateStatusView(generics.UpdateAPIView):
class CardPrintJobSetChipNumberView(generics.UpdateAPIView):
"""Update the status of the card printer."""
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated, TokenHasScope, CorrectJobPrinterPermission]
required_scopes = ["card_printer"]
authentication_classes = [OAuth2ClientAuthentication]
permission_classes = [CorrectJobPrinterPermission]
serializer_class = CardChipNumberSerializer
queryset = CardPrintJob.objects.all()
from django.apps import apps
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import functions
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from aleksis.core.util.apps import AppConfig
......@@ -13,15 +16,29 @@ class DefaultConfig(AppConfig):
licence = "EUPL-1.2+"
copyright_info = (
([2021], "Margarete Grassl", ""),
[2021, 2022],
"Jonathan Weth",
([2021], "Margarete Grassl", ""),
def get_all_scopes(cls) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Return all OAuth scopes and their descriptions for this app."""
return {"card_printer": _("Access and manage printer status and print jobs")}
CardPrinter = apps.get_model("kort", "CardPrinter")
label_prefix = _("Access and manage printer status and print jobs")
scopes = dict(
label=functions.Concat(models.Value(f"{label_prefix}: "), models.F("name")),
.values_list("scope", "label")
return scopes
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class CardIssueForm(forms.Form):
cleaned_data["all_persons"] = Person.objects.filter(
Q(pk__in=cleaned_data.get("persons", []))
| Q(member_of__in=cleaned_data.get("groups", []))
if not cleaned_data["all_persons"].exists():
raise forms.ValidationError(_("The selected groups don't have any members."))
export default {
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "kort.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-card-account-details-outline",
permission: "kort.view_menu_rule",
children: [
path: "cards/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "",
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "kort.card.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-card-multiple-outline",
permission: "kort.view_cards_rule",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/create/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.createCard",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/:pk/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.card",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/:pk/generate_pdf/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.generateCardPdf",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/:pk/deactivate/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.deactivateCard",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/:pk/print/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.printCard",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "cards/:pk/delete/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.deleteCard",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.cardPrinters",
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "kort.printer.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-printer-outline",
permission: "kort.view_cardprinters_rule",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/create/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.createCardPrinter",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/:pk/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.cardPrinter",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/:pk/edit/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.editCardPrinter",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/:pk/delete/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.deleteCardPrinter",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "printers/:pk/config/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.cardPrinterConfig",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "layouts/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.cardLayouts",
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "kort.layout.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-card-account-details-star-outline",
permission: "kort.view_cardlayouts_rule",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "layouts/create/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.createCardLayout",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "layouts/:pk/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.cardLayout",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "layouts/:pk/edit/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.editCardLayout",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
path: "layouts/:pk/delete/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "kort.deleteCardLayout",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
"kort": {
"card": {
"menu_title": "Alle Karten"
"layout": {
"menu_title": "Kartenlayouts"
"menu_title": "Schülerausweise",
"printer": {
"menu_title": "Kartendrucker"
"kort": {
"menu_title": "Student ID Cards",
"card": {
"menu_title": "All Cards"
"printer": {
"menu_title": "Card Printers"
"layout": {
"menu_title": "Card Layouts"
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
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"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-19 15:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
......@@ -82,26 +82,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Student ID Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "All Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
......@@ -134,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/short.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:11
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msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:38
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:38
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msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr ""
......@@ -187,103 +171,107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
msgid "Person"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Chip Number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Deactivated"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:84
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:9
msgid "Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print job"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-12 23:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-19 15:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-12 22:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonathan Weth <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr "Druckerstatus und Druckaufträge anzeigen und verwalten"
......@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ msgstr "Personen"
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Gruppen"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr "Kartenlayout"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
......@@ -82,26 +82,10 @@ msgstr "Allgemeine Attribute"
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr "Druckereinstellungen"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr "Benötigte Datenfelder"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Student ID Cards"
msgstr "Schülerausweise"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "All Cards"
msgstr "Alle Karten"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Printers"
msgstr "Kartendrucker"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr "Kartenlayouts"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Online"
......@@ -134,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr "Beendet"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:11
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msgstr "Ort"
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:38
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:38
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msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr "Statustext"
......@@ -187,103 +171,107 @@ msgstr "Kartennummer auf dem Server generieren"
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr "Karten-Detektor"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr "Kartendrucker"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr "Kartendrucker"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr "Mediendatei"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr "Mediendatei für ein Kartenlayout"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr "Mediendateien für Kartenlayouts"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Template"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Breite"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr "in mm"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Höhe"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr "Template ist ungültig: {}"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr "Kartenlayout"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr "Kartenlayouts"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
msgid "Person"
msgstr "Person"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Chip Number"
msgstr "Chip-Nummer"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Deactivated"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr "PDF-Datei"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr "Es wurde kein Layout für die Karte bereitgestellt."
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:84
msgid "Card"
msgstr "Karte"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:9
msgid "Cards"
msgstr "Karten"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Drucker"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print job"
msgstr "Karten-Druckauftrag"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
msgstr "Karten-Druckaufträge"
......@@ -739,3 +727,12 @@ msgstr "Das Kartenlayout wurde erfolgreich geändert."
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card layout has been deleted successfully."
msgstr "Das Kartenlayout wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
#~ msgid "Student ID Cards"
#~ msgstr "Schülerausweise"
#~ msgid "All Cards"
#~ msgstr "Alle Karten"
#~ msgid "Card Printers"
#~ msgstr "Kartendrucker"
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-12 23:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-19 15:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -54,11 +55,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
......@@ -81,26 +82,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Student ID Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "All Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
......@@ -133,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/short.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:11
......@@ -152,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:38
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:38
......@@ -161,7 +146,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr ""
......@@ -186,103 +171,107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
msgid "Person"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Chip Number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Deactivated"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:84
msgid "Card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:9
msgid "Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print job"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-12 23:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-19 15:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
......@@ -81,26 +81,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Student ID Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "All Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
......@@ -133,7 +117,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/short.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:11
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msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:38
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:38
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msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr ""
......@@ -186,103 +170,107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Select person(s) or group(s)"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Select validity"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Select layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Select printer (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Select a printer to directly print the newly issued card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Persons"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
msgid "Valid until"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "You must select at least one person or group."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The selected groups don't have any members."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Generic attributes"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Offline"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "With errors"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Not registered"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "In progress"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
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msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
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#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:90
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/short.html:12
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:31
msgid "Last seen at"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "OAuth2 application"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "CUPS printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Generate card number on server"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
msgid "Person"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Chip Number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Deactivated"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:84
msgid "Card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:9
msgid "Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print job"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:17
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:8
msgid "Chip number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Current status"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer name"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Running jobs"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Layout name"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Card of %(person)s"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:14
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/actions.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/actions.html:11
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:20
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/actions.html:17
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/actions.html:17
msgid "Show"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:25
msgid "Do you really want to deactivate the following card?"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:35
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:41
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/actions.html:47
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/delete.html:30
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/actions.html:33
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/delete.html:29
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/actions.html:33
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/delete.html:29
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail.html:31
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/delete.html:8
msgid "Delete Card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/delete.html:12
msgid "Do you really want to delete the following card?"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/delete.html:16
msgid ""
" Please pay attention that a deletion of a card is irreversible and should be only used to clean up misprints.\n"
" If you just want to make a card unusable because a student has lost his card or left the school,\n"
" please deactivate the card instead.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/delete.html:26
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/delete.html:25
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/delete.html:25
msgid "Go back"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:6
msgid "Card details"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:19
msgid "not set yet"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:53
msgid "Show card as PDF"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:61
msgid "Generate card as PDF"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/edit.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/edit.html:13
msgid "Edit card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:13
msgid "Issue card(s)"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:23
msgid ""
" Please select the persons and/or the groups to whom you want to issue new cards.\n"
" After clicking on 'Next', you will be able to check whether the data of the persons\n"
" are complete and include everything needed for the cards.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:32
msgid ""
" In the following table you can see all selected persons and the related data needed for the cards.\n"
" Please select the persons to whom you want to issue new cards.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:65
msgid "Previous step"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:71
msgid "Issue cards for selected persons"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:77
msgid "Next step"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/issue.html:83
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:17
msgid "Issue new card(s)"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/print_form.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/print_form.html:16
msgid "Print card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/status.html:3
msgid "Valid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/status.html:5
msgid "Not valid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/actions.html:26
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/actions.html:27
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail.html:24
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/create.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/create.html:13
msgid "Create card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/create.html:23
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/edit.html:23
msgid "Media Files"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/delete.html:8
msgid "Delete Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/delete.html:12
msgid "Do you really want to delete the following card layout?"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/delete.html:16
msgid ""
" Please pay attention that this also will prevent the successful finishing of all active print jobs\n"
" which use these template.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:15
msgid "Back to all layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:6
msgid "Layout details"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:17
msgid "Size (w × h)"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:24
msgid "Media files"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:31
msgid "No media files uploaded."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/edit.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/edit.html:13
msgid "Edit card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:4
msgid "Instructions on templating the card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:5
msgid ""
" You will be able to use the following data in your individual template. The template has to been written in the\n"
" Django template language.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:11
msgid "The chip number as string"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:15
msgid "This will give you access to any attributes of the person object like name, personal data or contact data."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:19
msgid "The date until when the card is valid"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/instructions.html:24
msgid "This will give you access to the uploaded media files. Replace 0 by the number of your media file (starting with 0)."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/list.html:9
msgid "Card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/list.html:17
msgid "Create new card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/person_status.html:5
#, python-format
msgid "%(count)s missing data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/person_status.html:10
msgid "Data complete"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/picture.html:4
msgid "Person picture"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/create.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/create.html:13
msgid "Create card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/delete.html:8
msgid "Delete Card Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/delete.html:12
msgid "Do you really want to delete the following card printer?"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/delete.html:16
msgid ""
" Please pay attention that this also will deactivate the access for the print client and you would have to\n"
" reconfigure the client if you want to use it further.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail.html:15
msgid "Back to all printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:6
msgid "Printer details"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:33
msgid "never seen yet"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:60
msgid "Setup printer client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:62
msgid ""
" To enable printing, you have to register the print client on the device\n"
" which the printer is connected to.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:67
msgid "1. Download print client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:68
msgid "2. Download configuration file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:71
msgid "Download configuration"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:73
msgid "3. Setup client"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:80
msgid "Print jobs"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:87
msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/edit.html:12
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/edit.html:13
msgid "Edit card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:17
msgid "Register new card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The cards have been created successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The print job #{} for the card {} on the printer {} has been created successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The print job couldn't be started because of the following error: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card has been deleted successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card has been deactivated successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The chip number is missing."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Progress: Generate card layout as PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Generating PDF file …"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The PDF file with the card layout has been generated successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There was a problem while generating the PDF file."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Show card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card printer has been created successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card printer has been changed successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card printer has been deleted successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card layout has been created successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card layout has been changed successfully."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "The card layout has been deleted successfully."
msgstr ""
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-12 23:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-19 15:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Access and manage printer status and print jobs"
msgstr ""
......@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:24
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:12
......@@ -81,26 +81,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Printer settings"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Required data fields"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Student ID Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "All Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Online"
msgstr ""
......@@ -133,7 +117,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/short.html:4
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:11
......@@ -152,7 +136,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:38
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:38
......@@ -161,7 +145,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Status text"
msgstr ""
......@@ -186,103 +170,107 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Card detector"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/list.html:9
msgid "Card printers"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media file for a card layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Media files for card layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:43
msgid "Template"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail_content.html:49
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "in mm"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Template is invalid: {}"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:31
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card_layout/detail.html:8
msgid "Card Layout"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card Layouts"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail_content.html:11
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/short.html:4
msgid "Person"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Chip Number"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Deactivated"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "PDF file"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "There is no layout provided for the card."
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/ aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/detail.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/printer/detail_content.html:84
msgid "Card"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/kort/templates/kort/card/list.html:9
msgid "Cards"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Printer"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print job"
msgstr ""
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
#: aleksis/apps/kort/
msgid "Card print jobs"
msgstr ""