**The 6th. July 2019 a small edition of FrogLabs took place at the Linuxtag (TÜBIX) in Tübingen, Germany. This gave 27 children and young people the opportunity to take part in three workshops and attend Linuxtag.**
From 5. 7. 2019 to 7. 7. 2019 we were in Tübingen and held workshops on programming games, electronics and creative. So on Friday we all met in Bonn-Beuel and landed, with Niklas as a brilliant driver, in the evening in Böblingen, in a brewery where we had dinner. Afterwards we drove to our holiday apartment. Comfortably in a small but fine village, lay our three-storey accommodation in which we first settled in. Now equipped with slippers, we discussed important details for the next day and went to sleep afterwards. The next morning we had to get up early because when we arrived at 9am at the University of Tübingen, where the TÜBIX takes place every year, we had to move our material into two rooms, prepare ourselves and fix a pretty big problem: Our server went crazy. So the participants, who had arrived in the meantime, could not log in, which is why the workshops Programming Games and Electronics did not really work well at first. The creative workshop, in which own radio plays were produced, was able to bridge the first part quite well with writing the scripts and refining them, but the server problem still had to be solved.
At 13:30 we all had earned a lunch break and the food truck provided us with food. As every year, there were guided tours of the telescope, where the participants had the opportunity to have a close look at the telescope of the University of Tübingen and to learn more about it. In the meantime everybody could log in again and the workshops could be continued. The workshop Creative, with Hannah and Niels, added effects to the audio books for the first time and motivated the young producers to make sure that hearing people can immerse themselves in the world. This is how audio books became extraordinarily good radio plays. At 17:30 the final presentation followed and everybody was impressed by the results of the three workshops and at about 20:00, after a well-deserved dinner, we returned to the holiday flat. The next day we left. But first we all slept until about 9 am and enjoyed a sumptuous homemade breakfast with fresh scrambled eggs. After we packed our rental car afterwards, we drove out of the small village and onto the highway to the small town of Deidesheim. Our quite spontaneous leisure planning the evening before led us here halfway to the German Museum for Photo, Film and Television Technology. A small, very interesting museum, which led once across the German photo, film and television technology. All in all, the Mini-FrogLabs at the TÜBIX were a great success this year again, also due to the pleasant cooperation with the TÜBIX-Orga, and we will certainly be present at this event again next year.