@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ The Teckids e. V. is financed, apart from the low membership fees and partial pa
Donations help us to organize events like FrogLabs or Hack'n'Fun. Above all, however, we are dependent on financial resources for the daily work of the association. Daily activities include:
..* Workday for junior members
..* Attending conferences with junior members
..* Financing workshop participation for children with limited financial resources
* Workday for junior members
* Attending conferences with junior members
* Financing workshop participation for children with limited financial resources
All these important activities must be made possible so that we can take good care of all children, both members and participants. Therefore we are happy about every donation, regardless of the amount.
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@ If you as a company are interested in the Teckids e. V. with a sponsorship, plea
### SEPA transfers
Our bank details for conventional SEPA transfers are: